Juggling Artisans

Juggling Artisans presents a show where juggling becomes art! They bring a captivating performance that seamlessly blends diabolo, hat juggling, and classic ball and club juggling. Watch as they juggle and pass clubs with precision and showcase high level diabolo skills, including shuffling 3 diabolos. Their finale is really an act of multi-tasking, something that […]
Le Petit Bar

Le Petit Bar is a show with circus and juggling tricks centred on things you would find in a bar. Watch as the performer does tricks with whiskey on the rocks. Also on the menu are wine and wine bottles capable of multiplying themselves. Audiences can also expect to see wine being paired with one […]

Bubbleworkz is a show whereby the bubble artiste would perform tricks with single bubble to complex bubble structures. Be amazed by the artiste merging and separating bubbles, and using smoke to create opaque bubble effects. Volunteers would also be asked on stage in which the entire length of the volunteer’s body would be engulfed by […]

‘Lazer’ has been presented in Singapore River Festival. It is a visual spectacle created with a mixture of contemporary circus, LEDs and laser. Highlights of the show includes laser bending and laser sword fighting, looking like a scene from a Sci-fi movie. The show would culminate with a LED twirling performance.
Flea Circus

Reviving a traditional form of entertainment during the Victorian times, presenting The Royal Flea Circus. Fleas are some of the strongest animals in this planet, often being able to lift 150 times their own body weight. They are also able to jump very high, and if it is human sized, then it can jump over […]