Rubik's Team Building

Rubik's Team Building

Rubik's Teambuilding

The Rubik’s Cube is one of the world’s most popular toy with 450 million sold worldwide since its launch since 1977. Due to its interesting combination of complexity and ubiquity, the Cube or solving it became the symbol of intelligence and problem solving.

Some say the Cube looks more like a puzzle than a toy. What if your department is split into different teams to solve different sections of Rubik’s puzzle and when pieced together, all of them utter in amazement as they see what they have created together as a team?

1) If each department/team takes ownership of their job/function, the department/company would achieve its goal.
2) Everyone in the team plays a part in the bigger picture no matter how big or small.
3) The toughest puzzle can be solved only by everyone putting in their fair share of effort.
Modus Operandi
The participants would be divided into team of 4-8. They would be taught to solve One side of the Cube. Each team would then have to deliver a certain number of Rubik’s cubes in the combination that is specified to them in the time limit. When the “blocks” of cubes are being put together, it would form the completed puzzle/mural.


Duration: (1 x 3 hour) Artwork and Duration Customizable